Sibling Relationship Building Adelaide

family counselling Adelaide

Sibling Relationship Building Therapy in Adelaide

While there is no such thing as a perfect family, we all want to make sure we find the right formula for our children. Sibling relationships can be more complicated than they look, especially when it comes to a sibling relationship with an older sibling. While many siblings who have grown up together can be on good terms with each other, nothing will test the bonds of trust and love like a dispute between siblings or even between parents and children over something that seems so small. That’s why you need to turn to experts such as those at New Paradigm Living, Family Psychologists in Adelaide who specialized in sibling relationship building. Sibling relationships are unique, with unique dynamics and unique challenges. Each sibling relationship can be different in its makeup, meaning, effect on the individual and the family as a whole. Where a typical sibling relationship is defined by having two siblings living together, other sibling relationships are less common – for example; one brother or sister living with their parents (and not sharing a bedroom), or two children of different parents who live together. Whatever the case may be; we all know siblings often have LOTS of differences and while they may fight and argue sometimes there is also a lot of love between them.

To Unlock Your Child’s Potential, New Paradigm Living provides specialized therapy for building better sibling relationships In Adelaide. Our team of experts is here to help you and your family find your way through difficult times, We believe in the power of positive reinforcement and understand how important it is for children to feel supported and encouraged. We will work with you to discover the underlying issues that can prevent children from unlocking their potential. Our team offers customized solutions tailored specifically to your needs as a family. We provide private sessions as well as group sessions, giving you the flexibility needed to make progress in a way that works best for you and your family.

We specialise in understanding the unique social emotional dilemmas that accompany living with disability. Moreover, we have lived experience and want to share our knowledge in dealing with, trauma, loss, rejection and low self-worth.

For Sibling Relationship Building in Adelaide

New Paradigm Living. Samuel Weightman

What Can We Offer?

A paradigm shift in pediatric behavioral therapy

In kindy I needed support to learn how to play and this often involved setting me up with activities where I would use toys independently. In reception, I was enrolled in a private school where I first experienced the label ‘naughty boy’. At five years old I began to dread being sent to the Principal’s office and was often sent there crying. After 3 terms of this, we were encouraged to leave the school. I then transitioned to Montessori learning. Although the new education approach did assist me in ways, ultimately the same situation occurred whereby my impulsive behaviors led to parents demanding the naughty boy removed. The rejection I felt was significant. Finally, I arrived in a public school in year 3 where a balance of structure and stimulation was achieved. In year 4, I had the good fortune of having an excellent teacher who encouraged us to have me assessed for Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D). After a two-week placebo trial, my teachers believed if the second week was the real thing, we will take it. After commencing medication my concentration time doubled and my learning reflected this, particularly in reading and writing (memory and math skill were still rubbish, however this is often the case with an executive function disorder). Fortunately, from this point on I was able to complete my schooling and form strong peer relationships that I maintain to this day.
Considering academic accolades were not a thing for me (yet*), most of my self-worth came from sport and I spent most waking hours participating in some way. Nevertheless, the time came to grow up. Fast forward 10 years and after having every process/labor job under the sun, I was still clueless as to what my purpose was in terms of adulting. Aside from the obvious fact that one needs to earn a wage to live, I was also dealing with the issue of having a hidden disability and the pervasive societal misunderstanding that I was dumb or lazy.
All people have value and worth and we deserve to know it. For me, my pathway to purpose was when I followed my sister’s advice to enroll in Foundation Studies at UniSA (hesitant to be sure*) and I discovered that my adult brain had far less background noise (friends, sports, girls, cars etc.) than my adolescent brain! Obviously, to my delight and amazement, I began to turn in work worthy of high marks, and it became clear that my strength was, and always has been human interaction.
Disability does not define people, or their identity. What defines us is our resilience to persevere when we are faced with hurdles and rejection. As parents, support persons, family and friends, we all have a role to play in building the reflective armor in young people that they will need to grow. This is what I call, new paradigm living. – by Samuel Weightman


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